Mission Statement
To provide a peaceful and affordable burying place for our community members, to own and care for the historic island landmark, Center Church, which offers religious congregations a place to meet, and a gathering space for important life events such as weddings and funerals.
Description of Our Fundraising Goal
Terramation Garden
We are making progress on our new terramation project, which will provide an area for a greener type of burial. We have contracted with a Landscape Architect who has great ideas, and experience. The first “island” has been laid out on ram board, with a layer of compost. This will be part of a built-up garden area to accommodate a few trees and native shrubs. The east corner of the field will provide a space for terramation (human compost). The terramains become “life-giving” soil, as an alternative choice to traditional casket burials, our Urn Garden and Remembrance Garden.
Your donation will help us offset the cost of this project.